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Abdominal Examination Trainer

Abdominal Examination Trainer


Limbs & Things’ Abdominal Examination Trainer represents an anatomically accurate adult torso featuring abdomen, pelvis and lower part of thorax along with key bony landmarks.

The Abdominal Examination Trainer is ideal for OSCE preparation and assessment, as our torso model enables trainees to practise the required techniques of palpation, auscultation and percussion elements of abdominal, or gastrointestinal (GI) examination.

The trainer comes with interchangeable pathological organs and tissue masses, including a variety of livers, spleens, abdominal aortas and various masses, that can all be quickly inserted on to the abdominal organ locator. Gaseous distension and ascites can also be simulated, providing the correct feel during symptom-based simulation.

The Abdominal Examination Trainer is also equipped with a built-in MP3 and has a memory stick with 3 pre-recorded audio sounds which are played at various locations in the abdomen and heard during auscultation with a stethoscope.



  • Trainer or Simulated Patient can vary the respiratory movement of liver and spleen.

  • Built in MP3 with 3 pre-recorded audio sounds on a memory stick that can be heard at various locations in the abdomen during auscultation with a stethoscope.

  • Volume of bowel sounds can be adjusted, to extend the learning experience and hone trainees’ auscultation skills.

  • The distension set allows for realistic checking for ascites using percussion, shifting dullness or fluid thrill technique, and simulation of bowel obstruction on percussion and auscultation.

  • The pulse bulb allows simulation of normal and aneurysmal aortic pulse.


  • Contains both normal and abnormal pathologies of organs that react realistically under palpation and respond appropriately to percussion.

  • Lifelike quality of abdominal skin accommodates for gaseous distension and ascites simulation.

  • Realistic ballottement of enlarged kidney.


  • Removable abdominal skin allows for quick and easy changeover of organs during training.

  • Suitable for both benchtop use and hybrid use with a Simulated Patient.

  • Model can be rolled onto its side for examination of ascites and shifting dullness.

  • Can be powered using AA batteries or by mains power cable.


  • Clean skin surface with soft, damp cloth and mild detergent.


  • This product is latex free.

  • Weight of model is within male and female health and safety limits for lifting to chest height.

  • In the unlikely event that the Ascites Bag splits all affected product parts should be wiped down before continuing use.


  • Representation of lower thoracic and lumbar spine.

  • Torso featuring abdomen, pelvis and lower part of thorax.

  • Bony landmarks include ribs, costal margin, xiphisternum, pubic crest and anterior superior iliac spines.

  • 3 Livers: slightly enlarged, enlarged with smooth edge and enlarged with irregular edge.

  • 2 Spleens: slightly enlarged and markedly enlarged.

  • 2 enlarged Kidneys.

  • Distended Bladder.

  • 2 Aortas: normal and aneurysmal.

  • Set of 6 Abdominal Pathologies including 4 smooth masses and 2 irregular hard masses.

  • Distension Set including Ascites bag, Gaseous Distension Bag, Pump and Foam Insert.


Skills Gained

  • Familiarity with the regions and underlying abdominal anatomy of an adult patient.

  • Practice in abdominal palpation, auscultation and percussion.

  • Ability to recognize and differentiate a range of abnormal organs and pathologies.

  • Identification of ascites, specifically shifting dullness and fluid thrill.

  • Identification of gaseous distension and bowel obstruction.

  • Ballottement of kidneys.

  • Professional-to-patient communication (when used with a Simulated Patient).

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