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Nuwa-the Birthing Simulator is designed to meet the training needs of obstetricians and midwives. Featured with real-time smart control, automatic delivery, difficult labor and easy operation, it’s for all aspects of childbirth, before, during and after.

Prepartum Leopold’s maneuvers and ultrasound examinations can be done to assess the basic conditions of the mother and fetus.

During childbirth, Nuwa supports automatic delivery and monitors conditions of the mother and the baby. Various situations such as difficult delivery and crisis can be simulated & handled in real time.

Nuwa comes with postpartum hemorrhage module to simulate severe bleeding caused by postpartum uterine atony.

Nuwa provides healthcare students and professionals with true-to-life clinical experiences to facilitate learning and help develop the skills needed for save labor and delivery.

  • Wireless and tetherless; up to 8 hrs. of battery life.

  • Lifelike eye movement; various eye pathology simulations.

  • Automatic delivery with head, breech and other presentations.

  • Fully immersive C-Section module.

  • Shoulder dystocia with various maneuvers detectable .

  • Internal 3L bleeding tank.

  • Realistic and programmable airway, breathing and physiological

  • circulation parameters.

  • Automatic recognition of 200+ virtual medications.

  • Includes 1 control PC and 1 emulated patient

  • monitor.

  • 20 labor & delivery simulation scenarios (Simulated

  • Clinical Scenarios package).

  • Births lifelike, full-term baby featuring programmable

  • vitals for APGAR scoring .

  • Built-in array of sensors detect participants’

  • maneuvers and operations in real-time.

  • Automatic delivery, bleeding and vital sign changes

  • for immersive experience.

  • Multiple delivery positions, including lithotomy

  • position, sitting position, Fowler’s position,

  • knee-chest position, lateral position, supine position, all-fours position, Trendelenburg position, reverse Trendelenburg position, McRoberts position.

  • Realistic simulation of epidural puncture with

  • detection.

  • 5 static cervices to simulate different stages of

  • cervical dilation & effacement.

  • Difficult delivery simulation, arrest of descent

  • simulation.

  • Eclampsia and magnesium toxicity simulation.

  • Amniotic fluid outflow and forehead sweating can

  • be simulated.

  • Adjustable duration and speed of labor.

Five abdomen modules available for multiple simulations

Contraction Abdomen

Abdominal wall tension caused by contractions can be felt by hand. The fetus automatically completes the descent, rotation, flexion, extension and other movements according to the preset delivery mechanism with this abdomen.

Abdomen for Leopold’s Maneuvers

The module contains simulated amniotic sac, amniotic fluid and a fetus.

The fetal head, back and hip can be distinguished by palpation.

Ultrasound Abdomen

This module supports the use of a real ultrasound machine to assess fetal growth and development. Measurement of biparietal diameter, femur & humerus length, etc. can be done. Ultrasonography shows clear fetal contour, skull, spine, limb bones, umbilical cord and placenta.

C-Section Abdomen

This abdomen has skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, muscle, peritoneum, uterus, amniotic membrane and other structures. Realistic palpation with a fetus inside the abdomen. Cutting, blunt separation, capillary bleeding with tissue incision, cesarean delivery and suture layer by layer can all be simulated. The uterus contains simulated amniotic fluid, a fetus, a placenta and an umbilical cord.

Postpartum Abdomen

Realistically soft and loose abdomen module for postpartum simulations, such as postpartum bleeding, fundal massage, uterine packing with gauze, insertion & inflation of a real balloon tamponade etc.

Nuwa offers an immersive experience when simulating shoulder dystocia, breech and C-section deliveries. Learners can truly engage in problem-solving and collaborative teamwork. Besides, an array of built-in sensors will capture participants’ performance for debriefing.

Shoulder Dystocia

  • Shoulder dystocia with “turtle sign” can be simulated. The HELPERR procedure can be used to deal with it, and correct midwifery techniques will release the baby's shoulder.

  • Delivery of posterior arm during shoulder dystocia.

  • Suprapubic pressure detection and logging.

  • McRoberts maneuver detection and logging.

Breech Deliveries

  • Rubin maneuvers detection and logging.

  • Wood’s Screw maneuver detection and logging.

  • Zavanelli maneuver detection and logging.

  • Nuwasupports the use of real instruments.

  • The fetus has sensors in the hip joint to detect hand traction force and upload data for force curve presentation. There will be alarms if too much force is applied.

C-section Deliveries

  • Replaceable C-section abdomen, multi-layered to simulate real skin and bleeds when cut .

  • The use of real surgical instruments for cutting and suturing.

Midwifery Tools

  • Forceps indication, application and traction.

  • Vacuum cup application, suctioning, and traction.

Nuwa’s eyes add more realism and functions.

  • Nuwa’s eyes display patient symptoms and conditions, including jaundice, cataracts, droopy eyes, conjunctival edema/congestion/hemorrhage.

  • Independent settings available for either eye.

  • 3 pupil reactions to light reflex: sensitive response, slow response and no response.

  • Nuwa automatically adjusts the pupils’ size based on changes in light. Users can also customize settings.

  • 3 eyelid states: closed, droopy and open. Automatic blinking with 5 different frequencies.

Standart Equipment

Real tools

  • ECG Monitor

  • Defibrillator

  • Sphygmomanometer

  • EFM

  • Ventilator

Simulated tools

  • Simulated thermometer gun

  • DefibReady

  • Simulated sphygmomanometer

  • Simulated stethoscope

  • Simulated Virtual Ventilator

  • Intelligent medicine box

Nuwa’s cute baby provides learners with the most realistic visual and tactile Ziran - Nuwa’s control software for flow experience experience possible. The newborn has measurable vitals and it is ideal for health assessment and transitional care.

  • The fetus is full-term with realistic size, weight, look and feel.

  • Anatomical structures include palpable fontanelles, sutures, mouth, nose, flexible joints, anal cleft and articulated spine.

  • It comes with simulated placenta and umbilical cord.

  • Programmable audible cry upon delivery.

  • Programmable conditions for APGAR assessment.

  1. By patting the baby’s sole, multiple responsive states can be simulated including a good cry, grimacing or frowning, and no

  2. response.

  3. Adjustable central and peripheral cyanosis.

  4. Normal breathing & pulling inward of the muscles under the xiphoid when breathing.

  5. Heart auscultation available.

  • Fetal airway suctioning .

  • The fetus has sensors in the neck, head and hip joint to detect pull force applied in real-time and upload data for force curve

  • presentation.

  • There will be alarms if too much force is used. The alarm range is adjustable.

  • The fetus’ neck supports passive flexion and extension movement.

Postpartum Hemorrhage Management

  • Vaginal bleeding and uterine bleeding can be set independently.

  • The amount of postpartum blood loss can be set. Bleeding can be controlled by interventions and medications.

  • A 3L bleeding tank supports the simulation of ClassⅠ, ClassⅡ and Class Ⅲ hemorrhage.

  • Postpartum bleeding can be reduced or stopped through fundal massage as the uterus shrinks and hardens up.

  • Uterine packing with gauze, insertion & inflation of a real balloon tamponade device are supported.

Ziran - Nuwa’s control software for flow experience

  • Nuwa comes with a built-in Web Server. The embedded software system frees users of any APP installation. Any smart devices, once connected with Nuwa, can access the control software through the browser.

  • A large number of graphical buttons and interactive effects are applied to increase ease of use in Module Placement Guide, Condition, Intervention and Physiological Parameter Settings.

  • A 2D homunculus on the Run Screen displays Nuwa’s current state in real time. Click the appropriate organ, icon or button from the homunculus to select the desired physiological view.

  • A 3D virtual animation view detects and displays any operation applied on Nuwa. Changes of the view perspectives & virtual scenes like the delivery room or the OR are supported. It can synchronize the simulator’s delivery process with a transparent view on the screen. One-click for screen projection available.

  • The system is equipped with a physiologically driven model, a pharmacokinetic model as well as a pharmacodynamics model. The adjustment of a certain physiological parameter will automatically trigger the corresponding changes of other

  • physiological parameters.

  • The drug monitor shows the current plasma concentration and displays the drug metabolism curve.

  • Lab test data, images and reports can be viewed and sent to the simulated monitor. Lab test data is editable and automatic report generation is available.

  • Monitoring fluid intake and output to assess maternal fluid balance state.

  • High-resolution, touchscreen simulated monitor which supports Apgar score, Bishop score, and

  • partogram.

  • Preset checklists for direct use. Users can also create their own checklists.

Ziran virtual ventilator for mechanical ventilation simulation

The virtual ventilator has the same parameter setting & waveform display interface as that of a real ventilator.

  • Multiple invasive ventilation modes & non-invasive ventilation modes including CPAP, S/T, V-SIMV, PSV, V-A/C, etc.

  • Mechanical ventilation parameters can be adjusted, such as ventilation frequency, I:E Ratio, peak airway pressure, tidal volume, trigger sensitivity, etc.

  • Three mask leak levels under non-invasive ventilation mode.

  • Real waveforms: P-T, F-T, V-T.

  • Real loops: F-V, P-V, P-F.

  • Adjustable alarm range. When out of safe range, relevant data will flash in red.

  • Patient fighting the ventilator under VCV, PCV modes can be simulated.

  • Ventilator assisting patient’s spontaneous breathing under PSV, V-SIMV+PS modes can be simulated.



  • Blinking, panning and reactive eyes with multiple settings.

  • Various pathological eyelid and eye conditions.

  • Independent pupillary light reflex, adjustable blinking speed and programmable pupil size.

  • Seizure, sweating and mouth foaming can be simulated.

  • Multiple states of knee jerk reflex.

  • Non-contact forehead temperature-taking.

  • Pre-recorded speech and user-recorded speech.

  • Be the voice of Nuwa for 2-way communication.

Airway & Breathing

  • Airway anatomy is derived from human scan data; realistic, complete & good-seal.

  • Airway opening and suctioning.

  • Venturi mask, LMA, nasal cannula, orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation, oral and nasal pharyngeal insertion (OPA, NPA), video laryngoscope.

  • Needle cricothyrotomy, surgical cricothyrotomy and tracheotomy.

  • Difficult airway simulation : tongue edema, laryngeal spasm.

  • Spontaneous breathing with chest rise-and-fall.

  • Simulation of normal breathing, sighing breathing, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, Biot's breathing and inhibitory breathing.

  • Adjustable breathing rate, inhalation/exhalation ratio and chest movement.

  • Normal and abnormal breath sounds auscultation, 14 auscultation sites located at anterior and posterior sides of the body.


  • Compliant with AHA and ERC guidelines.

  • Soft nose wings, easy to pinch for ventilations.

  • Realistic breasts with third trimester features increase the difficulty of chest compression.

  • Real-time detection of airway opening, compression depth/rate, compression times, hand placement, ventilation times, ventilation volume/duration, compression interrupted duration, etc.

  • Left uterine displacement (LUD) can be detected.

  • AEDs, real defibrillators and our simulated defibrillator DefibReady (optional) can be used.

  • High-quality chest compression can trigger carotid pulse and generate corresponding ECG waveforms and pulse waves.

Circulation & Medication

  • Palpation of bilateral carotid, brachial, radial and dorsalis pedis pulses.

  • 4 lip colors to meet different simulation needs: bluish-purple, red, pale and normal.

  • Normal and abnormal heart sounds can be auscultated at 5 auscultation sites.

  • Real ECG monitor is supported.

  • Nuwa’s monitor can display ECG waveform dynamically in real time; 12-lead ECG can be generated.

  • Different types of heart rhythms can be set to support real changes during defibrillation, pacing, and CPR.

  • Bilateral NIBP arms with Korotkoff sounds; real sphygmomanometer and BP cuff can be used.

  • Peripheral & central venous access.

  • Simulated vessels in both arms for IV puncture.

  • Venous indwelling needle.

  • Automatic recognition of 200+ virtual drugs with detection of medication type, dose and rate at Nuwa’s arm.

  • The use of oxytocin and other clinical drugs in prolonged labor simulation due to uterine atony.

Other functions

  • Intramuscular injection at bilateral upper arms.

  • Rectal suppository administration.

  • Internal fluid bladder with urethra for urinary catheterization with fluid output.

  • Monitoring fluid intake and output to assess maternal fluid balance state, such as infusion, bleeding and urine.

Technical Specifications

Standard Equipment:

  • Wireless and tetherless maternal manikin Birthing fetus.

  • 1 control PC.

  • 20 Simulated Clinical Scenarios (SCSs).

  • 1 wireless emulated patient monitor.

  • 3 abdomens ( 1 for Leopold’s maneuvers, 1 for contraction, 1 for postpartum ).

  • 5 static cervices.

  • 1 dynamic cervix.

  • 1 delivery perineum.

  • Boggy uterus module.

  • 2 placentas (1 intact and 1 fragmented).

  • 3 umbilical cords (1 long, 1 short, 1 normal-length).

  • 2 suppositories.

  • 1simulated thermometer gun.

  • 1simulated sphygmomanometer.

  • 1 simulated stethoscope.

  • Virtual Ventilator add-in.

  • 1 hospital gown.

  • 1 internal bleeding tank (3L).

  • 1 external bleeding tank (5L).

  • 1 wireless router.

  • 2 Nuwa batteries.

  • Liquid refill kit.

  • Nuwacharger kit.

  • Fetus charger.

  • 1 User Manual.

Optional Equipment

  • C-section abdomen.

  • Ultrasound abdomen.

  • Episiotomy & suture module.

  • Uterine inversion module.

  • DefibReady.

  • LungsReady.

  • Intelligent medicine box.

  • Baby cradle charger.

20 Simulated Clinical Scenarios (SCSs)

  • Third Pregnancy Overdue labor.

  • Persistent Occiput Posterior Position.

  • Persistent Occiput Transverse Position with Preeclampsia.

  • Nuchal Cord Precipitate Delivery.

  • Secondary Uterine Inertia.

  • Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with Intrauterine Fetal Distress.

  • Primary Uterine Inertia.

  • Pregnancy with Heart Disease.

  • First Pregnancy Normal Vaginal Delivery.

  • Placental Abruption (due to oligohydramnios).

  • Second Pregnancy Postpartum Hemorrhage.

  • C-section Delivery (due to uterine rupture).

  • Vaginal Delivery of A Big Baby.

  • Vaginal Delivery to C-section (due to arrest of descent).

  • Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes.

  • Postpartum Hemorrhage (due to uterine atony).

  • Gestational Diabetes Mellitus & Scarred Uterus.

  • Pregnancy with Condyloma Acuminata.

  • Placental Abruption with Massive Bleeding.

  • Stillborn Baby Labor Induction.

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